Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Cape Emmaline...err Hatteras...Lighthouse Check out this adorable lighthouse! Our little lighthouse lover is thrilled with her Halloween costume for this year. We're going to put a light in the lantern room for Trick-or-Treating so the Cape Hatteras Lighthouse can be seen for blocks!


Anonymous said...

hi.just happened upon your blog!lovely posts about lighthouses,

Anonymous said...

Hi. I clicked on this blog spot from another message. Darling and most creative costume!! Great stories of light house places.
Best Wishes, Clare

Anonymous said...

Hi. I clicked on this blog spot from another message. Darling and most creative costume!! Great stories of light house places.
Best Wishes, Clare

Sarah Giuliani said...

I was wondering... how did you make this? My son wants to be a lighthouse for Halloween!!

Sarah Giuliani said...

could post it on here?

Marlene said...

The lighthouse costume is adorable! I was wondering if you could tell me how you made it, we are doing a lighthouse theme for relay for life this year and we are going to have someone dress up as a lighthouse. I have been trying to figure out how to do this and then I came upon your site and fell in love with this. You can email me if you like, Thanks, Marlene

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- Daniel